Dietert, R.R and Grammer, A.C. Immune disorders, epigenetics, and the developmental origins of health and disease. Chapter 13 In : Rosenfeld C (Ed) The Epigenome and Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Elsevier, pp.211-234, 2015.
Rehder D, Black RE, Bornhorst J, Dietert RR, DiRita VJ, Navarro M, Perry RD, Rink L, Skaar EP, Soares MCP, Thiel;e DJ, Wang F, Weiss G, Wessels I. Metals in Host-Microbes Interaction: The Host Perspective. In: Trace Metals and Infectious Diseases, ed. Jerome O. Nriagu and Eric P. Skaar. Strungmann Forum Report, vol. 16. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2015 pp. 199-228.
Ackland ML, Bornhorst, J, Dedoussis G, Dietert, RR, Nriagu JO, Pacyna JM, and John M. Pettifor. Metals in the Environment as Risk Factors for Infectious Diseases. In: Trace Metals and Infectious Diseases, ed. Jerome O. Nriagu and Eric P. Skaar. Strungmann Forum Report, vol. 16. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2015 pp. 271-310.
Dietert, R.R. Inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease: environmental risk factors and consequences. In: Dietert, R. R. and Luebke, R. W. (Eds). Immunotoxicity. Immune Dysfunction and Chronic Disease. Springer: New York, 2012.
Dietert, R. R., Luebke, R. W., and DeWitt, J. C. Reducing the prevalence of immune-based chronic disease. In: Dietert, R. R. and Luebke, R. W. (Eds). Immunotoxicity. Immune Dysfunction and Chronic Disease. Springer: New York, 2012.
Dietert, R. R. and Leubke, R. W. The Environment-immune route to chronic disease. In: Dietert, R. R. and Luebke, R. W. (Eds). Immunotoxicity. Immune Dysfunction and Chronic Disease. Springer: New York, 2012.
Dietert, R. R. Immune system disorders. In: Weiss, B (Ed). Aging and Vulnerability to Environmental Chemicals. Royal Society of Chemistry: London, in press 2012.
Dietert, R. R. and Dietert, J. M. Immunotoxicology and foods. In: Watson, R. R., Zibadi, S. and Preddy, V. R. (Eds) Dietary Components and Immune Function. Humana Press. Nutrition and Health Series. Springer Science + Business, New York, 2010 pp567-587.
The Science Behind Microbirth
Early Immune Education
Bone Détenteétente
Diabetes Complications: The Immune System
Rodney Dietert, PhD
Advances in Medicine.
OA Immunology
Toxicol Sci
The Scientist
Journal of ancient diseases remedies
Distinguishing Environmental Causes of Immune Dysfunction in Pediatric Diseases (abstract)
Bentham Open Access to Science
Breaking Patterns of Environmentally Influenced Disease for Health Risk Reduction: Immune Perspectives (free article)
Environmental Health Perspectives, NIEHS, NIH
Environmental Risk Factors for Autism (free article)
Emerging Health Threats Journal
Distinguishing Environmental Causes of Immune Dysfunction from Pediatric Triggers of Disease (free article - pdf)
The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal
Dietert, R.R. Microbiome First Medicine in Health and Safety. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1099. Biomedicines | Free Full-Text | Microbiome First Medicine in Health and Safety (
Dietert, R.R. Microbiome First Approaches to Rescue Public Health and Reduce Human Suffering. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1581.Biomedicines | Free Full-Text | Microbiome First Approaches to Rescue Public Health and Reduce Human Suffering (
Rodney R Dietert, Janice M Dietert. Microbiome First Approaches in Pain Prevention and Management. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2021 - 14(2).
AJBSR.MS.ID.001976. Microbiome First Approaches in Pain Prevention and Management (
Dietert, R.R.; Coleman, M.E.; North, D.W.; Stephenson, M.M. Nourishing the Human Holobiont to Reduce the Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases: A Cow’s Milk Evidence Map Example. Appl. Microbiol. 2022, 2, 25-52. Applied Microbiology | Free Full-Text | Nourishing the Human Holobiont to Reduce the Risk of Non-
Communicable Diseases: A Cow’s Milk Evidence Map Example | HTML (
Rodney R Dietert. The Microbiological Basis of Human Superorganism Freedom. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2021 - 13(6). AJBSR.MS.ID.001933.
The Microbiological Basis of Human Superorganism Freedom (
Coleman, M.E.; North, D.W.; Dietert, R.R.; Stephenson, M.M. Examining Evidence of Benefits and Risks for Pasteurizing Donor Breastmilk. Appl. Microbiol. 2021, 1, 408-425.
Applied Microbiology | Free Full-Text | Examining Evidence of Benefits and Risks for Pasteurizing Donor Breastmilk (
Coleman, M.E.; Dietert, R.R.; North, D.W.; Stephenson, M.M. Enhancing Human Superorganism Ecosystem Resilience by Holistically ‘Managing Our Microbes’. Appl. Microbiol. 2021, 1, 471-
497. Applied Microbiology | Free Full-Text | Enhancing Human Superorganism Ecosystem Resilience by Holistically ‘Managing Our Microbes’ (
Rodney R. Dietert and Janice M. Dietert, Twentieth Century Dogmas Prevent Sustainable Healthcare. Amer. J. Biomed. Sci Res. 13(4): 409-417. 2012. Published Online: July, 2021
Rodney R. Dietert, Lessons For Human Holobiont Medicine in The Era of SARS-Cov-2. Amer J. Biomed. Sci Res. 13(2): 152-156. 2021 Published Online: June, 2021
Dietert, R.R. Microbiome-based precision medicine. EC Pharmacol. Toxicol. 1.S1:S1-S3, 2015.
Dietert, R.R. and Dietert, J.M. The microbiome and sustainable healthcare. Healthcare 3: 100-129, 2015.
Dietert R.R. and Dietert J.M. The sum of our parts. The Scientist July 1, 2015.
Dietert R.R. and Silbergeld, E.S. Biomarkers for the 21st century: listening to the microbiome. Toxicol. Sci. 144 (2): 208-216, 2015.
Mener, D.J., Garcia E., Navas-Acien, Rodney R Dietert R.R., Shargorodsky J. and Lin S.Y. Lead Exposure and increased food allergic sensitization. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 5(3):214-20, 2015.
Dietert R.R. The microbiome in early life: self-completion and microbiota protection as health priorities. Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol. 101(4):333-40. 2014.
Ginsberg G.L., Dietert R.R.and Sonawane B.R. Susceptibility based upon chemical interaction with disease processes: potential implications for risk assessment. Curr Envir Health Rpt 1:314-324. 2014.
Dietert RR. Macrophages as targets of developmental immunotoxicity. OA Immunology 18;2(1)2. 2014.
Dietert RR. Integrating contemplative tools into biomedical science education and research training programs. Journal of Biomedical Education (2014), Article ID 239348. 2014.
Dietert RR. Developmental immunotoxicity, perinatal programming, and non-communicable diseases: focus on human studies. Adv Med. 2014 (2014), Article ID 867805 2014.
Dietert RR. Natural childbirth and breastfeeding as preventive measures of immune-microbiome dysbiosis and misregulated inflammation. J Anc Dis Prev Rem 1:103. 2013.
Dietert R.R. and Dietert J. The Completed Self: An immunological View of the human-microbiome superorganism and risk of chronic diseases. Entropy 14: 2036-2065. 2012.
Dietert RR. Misregulated inflammation as an outcome of early-life exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Rev Environ Health. 2012;27(2-3):117-31.
Awasthi S, Singh B, Welliver RC, Dietert RR Lung dendritic cell developmental programming, environmental stimuli, and asthma in early periods of life. J Allergy (Cairo). 2012;2012:176468.
Aldert H. Piersma, A.H., Elisa C.M. Tonk, E.C.M., Susan L. Makris, S.L., Crofton, K.M., Dietert, R.R., and Van Loveren, H. Juvenile toxicity testing protocols for chemicals. Reprod. Toxicol. 34: 482-486. 2012.
Dietert, R. R. Maternal and childhood asthma: risk factors, interactions, and ramifications. Reproductive Toxicology. 32(2): 198-201. 2011.
Dietert, R. R. Fractal immunology and immune patterning: potential tools for immune protection and optimization? Journal of Immunotoxicology 8(2):101-110. 2011.
Dietert, R. R., Dietert, J. M. and DeWitt, J. C. Environmental risk factors for autism. Emerging Health Threats Journal. 4:7111-DOI: 10.3402/3htj.v4i0.7111. 2011.
Leifer, C. A. and Dietert, R. R. Early life environment and developmental immunotoxicity in inflammatory dysfunction and disease. Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry. 93: 1463-1485. 2011.
Dietert, R. R. Role of developmental immunotoxicity and immune dysfunction in chronic disease and cancer. Reproductive Toxicology. 31(3):319-26. 2011.
Dietert, R. R., DeWitt, J. C., Germolec, D. R., and Zelikoff, J. T. Breaking patterns of environmentally-influenced disease for health risk reduction: Immune perspectives. Environmental Health Perspectives. 118:1091-109. 2010.
Dietert, R. R. and Zelikoff, J. T. Identifying patterns of immune-related disease: use in disease prevention and management. World Journal Pediatrics. 6:111-118. 2010.
Dietert, R. R., Dietert, J. M. and Gavalchin, J. Risk of autoimmune disease: challenges for immunotoxicity testing. Methods in Molecular Biology. 598:39-51. 2010
Dietert, R. R. and DeWitt, J. C. Develpmental immunotoxicity (DIT): the why, when and how of DIT testing. Methods in Molecular Biology. 598:17-25, 2010.
Dietert, R. R., Bunn, T. L., Lee, J. E. The delayed type hypersensitivity assay using protein and xenogeneic cell antigens. Methods in Molecular Biology. 598:185-94, 2010.
Burleson, G. R., Burleson, F. G., and Dietert, R. R. The cytotoxic T lymphocyte assay for evaluating cell-mediated immune function. Methods in Molecular Biology. 598:195-205, 2010.
Dietert, R. R. Distinguishing environmental causes of immune dysfunction from pediatric triggers of disease. The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal. 3:41-47. 2009.
Dietert, R. R. Developmental Immunotoxicology (DIT), postnatal immune dysfunction and childhood leukemia. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 42:108-112. 2000.
Dietert, R. R. Developmental immunotoxicology: focus on health risks. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 22:17-23. 2009.
Dietert, R. R. and Zelikoff, J. T. Early-life environment, developmental immunotoxicology, and the risk of pediatric allergic disease including asthma. Birth Defects Research Part B Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology. 83(6):547-60. 2008.
Dietert, R. R. and Dietert, J. M. Potential for early life immune insult including developmental immunotoxicity in autism and autism spectrum disorders: Focus on critical windows of immune vulnerability. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B. Critical Reviews. 11(8):660-680. 2008.
Dietert, R. R. and Dietert. J. M. Possible role for early-life immune insult including developmental immunotoxicty in chronic fagitue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Toxicology. 247(1):61-72. 2008.
Dietert, R. R. and Piepenbrink, M. S. The managed immune system: protecting the womb to dealy the tomb. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 27(2):129-134. 2008.
Dietert, R. R. and Dietert. J. M. Early life immune insult and developmental immunotoxicity-associated disease: potential of herbal- and fungal-derived medicinals. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 14:1075-1085. 2007.
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Tower Road,
Ithaca, NY, United States
Copyright © Rodney Dietert. All rights reserved.